Thought Technology

The small, hand-held and self contained GSR 2™ is a Galvanic Skin Response monitoring device for home biofeedback. The GSR 2™ precisely monitors your stress levels by translating tiny tension-related changes in skin pores into a rising or falling tone.

The T2120 GSR Sensor kit measures minute changes in skin pore size and sweat gland activity (Galvanic Skin Response) or peripheral temperature as they relate to tension.

The GSR Temp 2X™ also includes a temperature sensor for monitoring heat levels in fingers. Stress also reduces blood flow to the hands, causing cooling. The GSR/Temp 2X™ home biofeedback system allows you to do "hand warming" biofeedback. In addition the GSR 2™ monitor, the system includes a temperature sensor, remote electrodes that attach to the hands or feet, dual-sensitivity meter, earphone, and instruction manual.

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