Relax UK Ltd
Glo to Sleep (GTS 1000) - Sleep Therapy Mask
Glo to Sleep (GTS 1000) - Sleep Therapy Mask
Clear your mind, deeply relax your body, & drift off to sleep with the innovative Glo to Sleep sleeping mask
The Glo to Sleep is Amazing! Whether you want for a full night's sleep or are just hoping for a quick cat nap, unique, patent pending technology will help you fall asleep quickly, stay asleep and wake up feeling rested. The Glo to Sleep is the only sleep solution that addresses the reason you are not sleeping. . . because you cannot stop thinking before you sleep and relax your body.
Glo to Sleep Sleeping Mask - How it Works:
When you are lying in bed awake possibley thinking or worrying about things, your brain is generating faster beta waves whilst you are doing this. In order to fall asleep you need to slow your brain activity down to the alpha wave state. In the alpha wave state, your mind and body are in a state of relaxation.
Meditation has been widely used in many cultures for centuries, to achieve a state in which no thoughts can come in to ones mind. The technique used to achieve this is to focus your attention, looking up at a point between the human eyebrows, which is often known as your third or spiritual eye. Scientific research has found that this act of looking up influences our brain wave patterns. Research has proven that by raising the eyes, with meditative training, practise and concentration, the relaxed alpha brain wave state can be reached.
This is how . . .
The human brain and eyes form a subconscious monitoring that is working when we are both awake and alert.
This monitoring system performs an important orienting task.
If the eyes roll up, the brain stops receiving orienting information, and an individual’s level of awareness is altered, and reduced.
The Problem: Trying to slow brain activity, to the alpha wave state with meditation often takes lots of practise, dedication and concentration, and is often difficult to perform when your mind is working hard and you need to sleep.
The Solution: The Glo to Sleep was designed to create a powerful focusing effect so users can easily reach the relaxed alpha wave state. Simply . . . turn your mind off!
How to use the Glo to Sleep
Simply hold the inside of the Glo to Sleep near a light source for only 30 seconds.
The points inside the mask will then turn blue.
Then slip the mask on, look up at the glowing point, breathe evenly and deeply, until you feel your thoughts slow, your body relax and then you will Glo to Sleep.
Now for the Scientifics behind the Glo to Sleep
The Glo to Sleep is a revolutionary new sleep assisting idea that builds on ancient knowledge, to clear the mind, deeply relax the body, and lead to a deep sleep.
For many centuries, the wise ones have told us to close our eyes, look up and achieve a calm state of mind. Now it is time to open your eyes to a revolutionary new sleep concept: the Glo to Sleep. By raising ones eyes and holding them on a focal point of blue light inside the glo to sleep, a person without any previous training, practice or real effort, can instantly stop those usual worrying thoughts before sleep and quickly achieve a deeply relaxed state of mind that leads to a wonderful sleep. The Glo to Sleep works to slow the frequency of the brains electrical activity, an objective shared with meditation and self-hypnosis.